Imker in Georgien

Though many people in Georgia have kept bees for years, a field study conducted by us shows a striking lack of knowledge and simple skills. Most beekeepers have never undergone any kind of training. Teaching materials are mainly out-dated. But only modern knowledge can guarantee successful business management.

Our initiative aims to provide participants of our educational program with their own training portfolio. The texts will be selected and edited with German bee experts and translated into Georgian. Educational films will form another part of our approach. These films don´t necessarily have to be produced from scratch and can also be used to reach beekeepers in other parts of Georgia.

The theoretical knowledge is complemented and practically put into action in on-site support from March to September. Over a period of two years, beekeepers in the region are to be trained in modern, ecological methods of beekeeping in three stages. The program will enable its participants to harvest better honey in both quality and quantity, by teaching environmental methods and techniques. This will improve the participants’ income as well as the bee´s sanity. The graduates of our course will eventually act as multipliers of the new knowledge to other beekeepers.

The total number of students is limited to 15. The participants receive practical training instruction on the ground at their bee colonies in a two-week cycle. In addition, the trainer will hold theoretical lectures in order to broaden knowledge on topics such as ecological beekeeping, quality, hygiene, varroa mite control, etc. 


The trainings will be conducted by an experienced Georgian trainer with more than thirty years of experience in beekeeping. Our trainer has worked in numerous beekeeping projects for international donor organizations all over Georgia, and has established a cooperative projects funded by in his home region. Due to improved methods, the members of his cooperative are able to produce up to 50 to 70% more honey today. This was achieved by environmental strategies in bee management as well as changing from »Dadant« to »Langstroth«-systems. By manufacturing the wooden hives themselves, the cooperative offers not only cheaper equipment to its members, but products they can sell these to others. Thanks to stronger market access, the cooperative is able to sell its honey under far better conditions.